Editorial Complaints Policy

At StayRelaxedCBD.com, we strive to maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity and ethical journalism. We are committed to providing our readers with accurate, reliable information and delivering the highest quality content possible.

We understand that there may be times when our readers have concerns or complaints about the content we publish. We take these concerns seriously and have established an Editorial Complaints Policy to ensure that complaints are handled promptly, fairly, and in accordance with our values and principles.

If you have a complaint about any content published on StayRelaxedCBD.com, please follow the procedure outlined below:

Contact Us

Please contact us as soon as possible to raise your concern. You can do this by sending an email to [email protected], clearly indicating that you have an editorial complaint.

Provide Details

Please provide as much detail as possible about the content you are concerned about, including the title, date of publication, and author. If possible, please provide a link to the article in question.

Our Response

We will acknowledge your complaint within 4 working days of receiving it. We will then conduct an internal review of the content in question and determine whether any action needs to be taken.

Action Taken

If we determine that an error has been made, we will take appropriate corrective action. This may include correcting the content, publishing a correction or clarification, or removing the content from our website altogether.


We will follow up with you to let you know the outcome of our review and any action taken.

We take all complaints seriously and are committed to addressing them as quickly and fairly as possible. We value your feedback and appreciate your help in maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

Thank you for your support of StayRelaxedCBD.com.